Joining the Mark Degree

considering joining


To become a Mark Master Mason, you must first have been raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in a Craft Lodge - there are no additional or different qualifications for membership. It is a continuation, not a deviation, of a brother's journey through Freemasonry. This is why the Master Mason's Degree is referred to as the fourth regular step in Freemasonry.

Chronologically the Degree expands on the Second Degree in Craft Masonry and enables members to more fully understand the Craft Degrees by providing details and many of the answers to questions arising as the individual progresses in the Craft.

As a Mark Master Mason you learn further key aspects about yourself as an individual and your responsibilities to others, in essence to make your mark on life.


What is it?

The Degree of Mark Master Masons is the third largest masonic body, after Craft and Chapter, within England; with around 1,500 Mark Lodges. It is also one of the world’s oldest fraternal societies - a minute book dated 1599 from the Lodge of Edinburgh shows that several speculative brethren had appended their marks after their names.

There are many terms and phrases which are introduced within Craft Masonry which remain a mystery and many of these peculiarities of the Craft become much clearer in the Mark.

The Mark ceremony is unique. The Mark is not only a true Craftsman’s Degree but it also teaches, in a delightful way, many invaluable practical lessons about life; as well as how to apply them in the way we conduct ourselves.

The Mark Degree also provides essential background and symbolism to a brother’s Masonic knowledge - whilst providing an essential qualification to other Orders in Masonry.


Being a member

Under the Constitution of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons the Order has one Degree, comprising two stages - Mark Man and Mark Master Mason. Both are conferred in the ceremony of Advancement.

During the ceremony each Brother is given his own Mark - unique within his Lodge.

Membership of a Mark Lodge within the Mark Province of Northampton, Huntingdon and Bedford typically costs around £70-80 per annum - plus an initial advancement fee of £30 for registration at Grand Lodge.

Lodges tend to meet three times a year (we have two Lodges that meet four times), with one meeting being Installation. As in Craft, each meeting is followed by a Festive Board, which typically costs around £20 across the Province. There are also charitable donations, in addition to membership costs, but these are voluntary and private.

New and used regalia is readily available but the Province also has a small stock of pre-owned regalia, which might offset the initial outlay, if required.


The friendly degree

It’s true that amongst Mark Master Masons you will always find friends.

Mark Master Masons are enthusiastic Freemasons and extremely warm and welcoming. There are much shorter lines of communication than other Orders, with friendly and approachable executives.

There is so much more to Freemasonry than just the Craft. If you want to advance your Masonic knowledge and share in the camaraderie for which Mark Masonry is famously known you will never be a stranger and always amongst friends.

We encourage all our members to get the most out of their membership. Our door is open to any Brother who is looking to make his mark in life.


How to become a member

Provided you are a Master Mason there are three ways to become a member:

Ask a friend. You probably already know a member, ask them about joining. We are called the friendly degree after all.

Take a look at our list of Mark Lodges in the Province and get in touch with a Lodge that is convenient for you. You do not have to be a Craft Mason in a local Lodge to be a member of the Mark in Northampton, Huntingdon and Bedford. We have a number of brethren who practise their Craft Masonry elsewhere - mostly in London.

Contact our Provincial Grand Secretary. You are assured of a warm reception - he will happily answer any questions and facilitate the process for you.


What the members say...

My masonic journey is based on the York Rite, so Mark was essential. Joining Mark was the best masonic decision I've ever made.

W.Bro. Mike W.

Member since 2011.

I'm a member of a couple of things. I like them all but if I had to cut back and keep just one it would be Mark. No question.

Bro. Paul H.

Member since 2012.

I'm a London Mason and I joined Mark in Northampton on a friend's recommendation. I'm so glad I did and I keep thanking him.

Bro. Jon B.

Member Since 2023.